The first film written and directed by David Bowie’s son Duncan Jones, Moon, is now playing in New York and Los Angeles. It has garnered a lot of favorable critical reviews, no naturally the Webmaster and I (and all other Bowie and potential Duncan Jones fans) are eager for it to be released nationwide. I could link you to a million favorable reviews, but instead I’m going to link you to what I think is the best one, on my favorite movie review site Pajiba. Without further ado, the review of Moon. Find showtimes in your area by visiting Yahoo! Movies*.
*I don’t get paid by Yahoo! or anything like that, it’s just an easy site to navigate.
One response to “Moon is Now Playing”
My sister turned me on to this video interview; he looks quite elfin. Here’s the link:
I’m gonna have to get out and see it before it disappears.