Tag: New Features

  • A Couple Minor Additions

    I’ve been playing with the plug-ins for this site for the past hour and have added a few things.  Most importantly, there is a new system of user registration.  New users can set their own password, have a couple more fields they can fill out, and must complete a captcha.  My time is better spent…

  • More War Child Album Updates

    Update #3:  It is official.  The War Child album to which David Bowie is contributing his song “Heroes” to be covered by TV On The Radio will be postponed until 2009 due to more artists showing interest.  Maybe we’ll get a double disc?  *hopes*

  • War Child Album Updates

    Update #1: In my previous post about the upcoming War Child album “Heroes”, I reported that the song David Bowie was contributing had not been released yet.   The official word from BowieNet is that the song will be….wait for it….don’t want to ruin the surprise….”Heroes“!  I know, right? Knock me over with a feather. …

  • Another David Bowie Cover, But This Time For A Good Cause

    I know we bitch a lot on this site about the seemingly never-ending stream of David Bowie covers…either that or we ignore them like the latest Cat Power cover. However, the newest cover will be featured on the album Heroes being released on November 24 by the charity War Child. So I don’t even have…