Category: Rumors, Lies, Stories They Made Up
Strange Fascinations
Apparently we Bowie fans keep strange company. Which one of you is up for sitting around with a 1980’s Karl Rove, lounging in track suits, nuking microwave dinners, and listening to David Bowie records? Hell yeah, I know I am.
Who Doesn’t Want a Burlesque Club in Their Neighborhood?
Last month we reported that Bowie, Sting and Ivan Kane had picked a location to open their New York City burlesque club, Forty Deuce. The selected building at 19 Kenmare Street was formerly the home of a mobster hangout called Little Charlie’s Clam Bar. Now, according to Downtown Express, a group of neighboorhood residents are…
To Talk of Stars and Kings and Feet
Apparently Lindsay Lohan has completed her 12th step and Paris Hilton has joined a convent, because Iman’s feet were worth discussing on last month. With a close up of Iman’s feet in heels from the 2007 Can-Do Awards, blogger Angel wrote: Those dogs above need more than a deep-soak, they need help. I guess…
David Bowie Will Not Be Appearing in “Cornelius Fly”
Despite the claims of the Iceland Review, David Bowie will not be appearing in Gus Olafsson‘s debut film, Cornelius Fly. David himself posted on the BowieNet message board, “This is total b.s. I’ve never heard of it.” Total Blam Blam over at BowieNet speculates that the spurious claim is a publicity stunt, and I agree.…
Is David Bowie Really Going To Send Music Into the Final Frontier?
This one is a head-scratcher for me too. This week the Webmaster and I came across two stories about Michael C. Luckman‘s Signals to Space Concerts. Luckman plans to hold music festivals in Tokyo, Berlin, New York, China, Russia, Mexico and London and beam the music out into space for extraterrestrial beings to hear. The…
NYC’s Not Big Enough for Two Festivals?
New York Magazine’s Arts & Events section published an article yesterday on the rivalry between the producers and patrons of Robert De Niro’s Tribeca Film Festival and those of David Bowie’s High Line Festival. Both festivals are set in New York City in the very near future. The article suggests that the friction springs from…
Coco Schwab Joins David Bowie in The Big 6-0
Again I fall prey to my weakness for cheap, trashy gossip blogs. I got this bit of sweet news from Gatecrasher via Gawker. For her 60th birthday, Coco Schwab received a white gold, coral rose, and diamond ring from her boss David Bowie. Everyone say it with me, “Awwwwwrrr! Isn’t that sweet!” Coco has been…
Metro Newspaper Is Living Under A Rock
The UK Metro newspaper published this half-baked article in yesterday’s edition. In the article they claim that Jermaine Jackson caused trouble with his former wives by maintaining a friendship with Bowie’s ex-wife Iman. Now, I ask you, where has the Metro been for the past twelve years?! There is no excuse for this type of…
Burlesque Bowie
If the New York Post is to be taken at it’s word, Las Vegas club owner Ivan Kane was planning to open a burlesque club in partnership with Bowie and Sting until the tentative landlord pulled out of the deal. I would insert a witty comment here but my brain has short-circuited at the thought…
Nice Try There, Branson
I wouldn’t have a taken a man like Richard Branson for someone who would try to gank an little extra fame by riding on Bowie’s coattails. It appears I was wrong. Last Sunday’s article in the Observer “reports” that Bowie and Iman are coughing up £230,000 for an orbital trip around the world. The reporter…